NDP 2010: Live Our Dreams, Fly Our Flag

Hello, fine young ladies and gentlemen!

It's Wen Yenn here, blogging on behalf of the rest of your beloved leaders and teachers I/C.

FINALLY, WE'VE REACHED THE END OF NDP! WE'RE FREE AT LAST! No more Saturdays to be burnt at Kranji Camp/Padang. No more sweating and boring food. No more makeup! No more having to rush to school as early as 8.30a.m. (remember the Kranji Camp days?).

As happy as I feel, there is a feeling of sadness as well, knowing that I might never again step into the Padang as a performer, and feel the adrenaline rush as we step out into the stands on the day itself. The sense of pride that I felt when we were performing on that day itself was unbelievable. My sense of patriotism has never been so strong.

It's been a great experience for all of us. There were some bad times, like when we got scolded, but overall, I think we all enjoyed ourselves very much.

The leaders would like to thank Mrs Pang, Mr Eugene Lim, Mrs Mathi, Miss Chay, Mr Felix Tan, Mr Eric Yang and Miss Hu for all the help and support that they have given to us, as well as sacrificing some of their Saturdays to bring us to the rehearsal venues. We'd also like to thank Mr Simen and Mrs Goh for their support. Without them, we might have not had the opportunity to participate in NDP.
Ok, having said that, the photos above have been taken from Mr Yang's Facebook (thanks Mr Yang!).
There'll be more soon. I have to get them from Mr Tan. :D
See you guys! Rest your voices, behave yourselves, eat your vegetables...
Love from Wen Yenn, Li Han, Michael, Tisha, David and HaoYuan.

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