Hey Choir! As we all know, EXAMS ARE OVER (:! I guess all of you are planning what to do and how to spend your holidays now right? But still, PLEASE take care of your voices and health. Although our SYF is over and we have lesser trainings. However, we must still prepare for our next upcoming 2013 SYF (: Also, the weather is changing so please take extra care and drink more water!

All Choir theory students thats taking grade 1 or grade 2 please JIAYOUHS! As we know, our theory exam is on the 30th of October and its in a weeks time? SO yeah, all the best people!


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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources” à “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post J