Bow down to your new masters!!! HeHeHe(evil laugh)

Welcoming the new Choir committee of 2014-2015! Excited and scared are we to guide are juniors for a year and a half. We hope to uphold a good standard and values and we seek your support and respect as we do our respective responsibilities in making our choir an exceptional one ;D

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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources” à “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post J