Hey choir! I know this is a bit late, but I just want to say CONGRATS AGAIN FOR MAINTAINING OUR SHINY SILVER AWARD! :DDDD

It was a long and tough journey with lots of roller coaster rides. Some of us may have felt really disheartened in the process and felt like giving up. Nonetheless, I am extremely proud of all of you as you managed to stay positive and continued to attend the practices, and on the 13th of April all our hard work paid off! :D Although we didn't manage to reach the target that we set for ourselves (Gold), I really hope that all of you are happy with what we achieved.

I want to thank our conductor Mr. William Lim for teaching us well; Miss Lin our accompanist for playing the same thing over and over and over (and over and over and over...) again just to let us get the songs as perfect as possible; the teachers Mrs Pang, Mrs Mathi, Mr Chris Yang and of course Mr Eugene Lim for being so supportive of us all the time and sacrificing their time to be with us; and lastly, I want to thank ALL OF YOU, especially my team of leaders Michael, Tisha, Li Han, Hao Yuan and David (who actually wasn't in SYF but supported us silently all the same) for being such good sports all the time and working hard and doing your best to reach our target.

After the Sec 4s step down, I hope that the remaining choristers will continue to hold our standard high, build up your passion for singing and choir and lead the future generations of choristers to become as good or even better than we are now. I wish you guys all the best in choir. :)

Wen Yenn

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