HSS Choir SYF 2011

Hey Choir! All the hardwork that we all put in had been paid off! (: Although at the starting of the year, we were all not paying our full attention to our conductor [Mr William Lim], however, as the SYF days were nearer, we were all serious and had put in lots of efforts. Thus, our standard improved. I should not say more, now lets just enjoy the pictures that have been captured.
Here is where it all begins..

Mr Lim connducting the choir(:

Ms Lin playing for us the songs(:


Tenors and Bases


-YoursTruly Natalie

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How to create a Photo Album and Slide Show

1) Sign in

2) Go to “Tools and Resources” à “Picasa Web Albums”

3) Click “Upload”

4) Name the Album

5) Select Photos from Computer

6) Click “Link to this album”

7) Click “Embed Slideshows”

8) Click “Extra Large 600”

9) Copy the HTML

10) Click “Done”

11) Go to CCA blog

12) Post “New Post”

13) Paste HTML onto new post

14) Change “width” from 600 to 500

15) Publish Post J